Tuesday 28 January 2014

4. Cockle Picking

Cockle Picking

Over the Summer I spent a lot of time photographing on the beach and photographing shells, including some cockle shells. It was finding these shells that got me thinking about the cockle pickers. It was my various Summer Projects but also this one photograph I took sometime last year, quite spontaneously, outside 'Selwyn's Penclawdd Seafood', which is a tiny factory which processes cockles ready for them to go on to be sold. The factory leave the empty cockle shells outside their factory, which get collected every so often and are re-used for garden decorations and various other things.

There were these two instances, and I also watch the cockle pickers from my home and it always fascinated me that people have done this back breaking work for so many years. It's something that doesn't seem to have changed very much over the years, and I consider it to be a big part of the Welsh Heritage.

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